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2011 Newbury MagnifiCat 127M

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174 results found. Perform another search

Race Number First Name Surname Gender Category Club Sparsholt Four Marks Chip Time Share
416 Neil Paulin Male M40-49 02:06:16 01:52:55 06:23:33
398 Richard Oakes Male M40-49 IOPTIX - OIO 02:04:56 02:23:37 07:00:15
207 Peter Wilson Male M40-49 02:05:04 02:23:34 07:00:22
395 Matthew O'Callaghan Male M30-39 Exiles CC 02:05:11 02:30:50 07:08:11
561 Gary Williams Male M40-49 Club ciclista de Berja 02:15:45 02:23:59 07:08:19
35 Andrew Beaman Male M40-49 PCA Ciclos Uno 02:05:02 02:23:33 07:13:30
548 William Webb Male M40-49 02:12:06 02:31:05 07:20:50
4 Wassim Aldairy Male M30-39 North Road CC 02:09:15 02:37:09 07:28:12
324 Duncan Macdonald Male M30-39 02:10:56 02:37:05 07:33:49
464 Paul Rusby Male M40-49 02:12:01 02:41:42 07:34:38
462 Andrew Rollason Male M30-39 Sky Velo 02:10:43 02:37:05 07:36:45
86 Cameron Campbell Male M40-49 ACU 02:08:47 02:49:02 07:40:42
234 Patrick Hawkins Male M40-49 dulwich paragon 02:04:56 02:33:51 07:42:38
41 Graham Bell Male M40-49 GS Henley 02:05:04 02:39:21 07:43:39
377 Greg Moss Male M30-39 London Road Club 02:11:39 02:55:27 07:46:04
186 Neil Galloway Male M30-39 02:10:59 02:45:46 07:48:57
571 Colin Wise Male M30-39 02:18:24 02:41:21 07:50:41
359 Andrew Middleton Male M40-49 02:10:46 02:40:07 07:56:46
412 Simon Parker Male M40-49 Team Zappi's 02:10:07 02:48:29 07:57:03
542 Peter Watson Male M30-39 Reading CC 02:17:34 02:51:07 07:59:01
154 Paul East Male M40-49 02:19:25 02:42:45 07:59:17
208 Ross Greening Male M30-39 London Dynamo 02:24:12 02:49:09 08:00:30
478 Lee Shale Male M50-59 claud The butler cc 05:12:00 08:01:23
281 Christian Johnson Male M30-39 claud The butler cc 02:17:55 02:54:11 08:01:25
170 Richard Fitzgerald Male M40-49 Velo Club Lagrange Los Angeles 02:18:20 02:53:45 08:01:27
284 Alwyn Jones Male M40-49 02:21:41 02:51:16 08:05:04
157 Chris Edwards Male M30-39 02:09:12 03:02:03 08:06:27
414 John Pattinson Male M18-29 02:16:54 02:51:04 08:08:05
94 Clinton Casteller Male M30-39 i-Team 02:12:26 02:55:34 08:08:09
445 Andy Redding Male M40-49 I Team 02:12:26 02:55:34 08:08:10
193 Paul Gilbert Male M40-49 02:09:19 02:50:07 08:09:56
326 Tim Macfarlane Male M30-39 Reading CC 02:19:56 02:53:10 08:09:58
345 Laura Mcgill Female F18-39 Laura McGill 02:22:06 02:52:17 08:11:28
318 Tim Lomax Male M40-49 02:14:55 02:58:58 08:13:40
12 Stephen Allen Male M50-59 Basingstoke Tri Squad 02:25:52 02:57:17 08:14:36
302 Robbie Laughton Male M40-49 ASHWELL CC / FREEDOM TRI 02:24:20 03:00:06 08:14:51
367 Christophe Morandi Male M40-49 Sky 02:27:37 02:52:19 08:15:07
591 Kelvin Wright Male M40-49 02:18:01 02:56:57 08:15:43
7 Peter Allan Male M40-49 02:24:01 02:54:23 08:15:57
301 Mark Lant Male M40-49 AGC(SPS) 02:33:50 02:46:32 08:16:04
311 Chris Limberger Male M18-29 Plan B Racing/South Pennine Ro 02:08:08 02:47:16 08:18:01
78 Edward Buckney Male M30-39 02:16:28 02:53:31 08:18:46
443 Richard Read Male M50-59 Kingston Wheelers 02:16:53 03:04:55 08:18:56
391 Kevin Nicholson Male M40-49 02:27:27 02:50:51 08:20:27
378 Oliver Moss Male M18-29 02:19:55 02:55:23 08:20:52
331 David Markham Male M40-49 02:23:56 02:52:19 08:21:52
161 Tom Wallis Male M30-39 02:15:56 02:31:48 08:22:49
123 Tim Cooke Male M40-49 02:19:39 03:04:09 08:23:41
553 Andrew Whelan Male M18-29 02:24:02 02:59:55 08:24:31
118 Joe Coleman Male M30-39 02:24:04 02:59:55 08:24:43
526 Simon Tyler Male M40-49 02:24:43 02:55:57 08:26:11
382 Haj Muntz Male M40-49 Reading CC 02:20:45 03:01:05 08:27:21
518 Simon Todd Male M18-29 02:26:53 02:59:58 08:27:35
11 Nick Allen Male M50-59 swrc 02:16:27 02:55:38 08:29:54
536 David Ward Male M40-49 Team pill 02:16:27 02:55:38 08:29:56
544 Gavin Watts Male M50-59 02:18:04 02:54:26 08:30:17
273 Glenn Jarvis Male M40-49 02:40:18 02:52:10 08:31:44
240 Bryan Hill Male M40-49 02:31:52 02:54:40 08:32:44
259 Anthony Iafrate Male M40-49 02:22:39 02:53:34 08:33:10
429 Mark Pittick Male M40-49 02:22:42 02:53:30 08:33:10
184 Giles French Male M30-39 02:18:07 02:52:42 08:33:14
514 Marc Thompson Male M40-49 Zappi 05:19:59 08:35:10
93 Sarah Cary Female F18-39 London Dynamo 02:21:40 03:13:35 08:36:20
2 Collyn Ahart Female F18-39 Rapha Condor CC 02:21:40 03:13:39 08:36:20
490 Stuart Smyth Male M40-49 02:29:31 02:58:32 08:38:23
162 Pete Carter Male M40-49 02:10:10 02:46:28 08:41:01
379 Robin Moss Male M50-59 02:55:36 02:54:42 08:41:22
62 Dominic Bray Male M40-49 02:33:23 03:10:04 08:43:25
387 Craig Neil Male M30-39 02:23:42 03:10:55 08:45:27
346 Roland Mcgill Male M40-49 02:22:04 03:09:05 08:45:34
243 Chris Holmes Male M30-39 VCGH 02:39:17 03:06:36 08:49:30
584 Harry Wynne-Williams Male M40-49 02:28:20 03:04:36 08:50:01
333 Oliver Marsh Male M40-49 02:28:22 03:04:36 08:50:04
45 David Billings Male M18-29 02:41:22 03:03:15 08:50:37
257 Simon Hutchison Male M30-39 02:37:38 03:06:01 08:51:26
465 Paula Rutherfoord Female F18-39 Wimbledon Windmilers 02:27:53 03:23:03 08:51:33
549 Alun Webber Male M40-49 Sky Velo 02:28:49 03:05:19 08:55:12
230 Simon Harvey Male M50-59 02:30:13 03:13:26 08:55:13
117 Jennifer Coleman Female F18-39 02:33:45 04:11:51 08:55:23
239 Matthew Higgins Male M30-39 Matthew Higgins 02:33:47 04:11:48 08:55:24
566 Ben Wilson Male M30-39 Sky Velo 02:33:43 04:11:53 08:55:24
42 Graham Bellis Male M50-59 02:25:22 03:07:11 08:56:23
362 Nigel Miller Male M40-49 Sky Velo 02:20:18 02:54:48 08:56:46
510 Daniel Talbot-Ponsonby Male M30-39 Oxford Tri 02:21:08 03:18:30 08:57:21
221 Theo Harper Male M40-49 02:24:30 03:05:58 08:57:31
200 Richard Gowen Male M30-39 02:21:54 03:08:37 08:59:10
139 Andrew Deaner Male M40-49 Wllesden CC 02:28:30 03:16:01 08:59:25
232 Chris Hatton Male M40-49 02:29:32 03:16:58 09:02:44
24 Chris Baker Male M18-29 02:43:04 03:04:29 09:03:02
26 Hazel Baker Female F18-39 02:43:06 03:04:27 09:03:03
113 David Coates Male M50-59 Silson Joggers AC 02:23:54 03:20:19 09:05:40
405 John Owens Male M30-39 02:28:25 03:09:31 09:05:44
485 Kevin Skipwoth-Gray Male M40-49 DMRC / ACU 02:16:48 03:06:21 09:06:21
415 Billy Pattison Male M18-29 02:26:55 03:08:35 09:06:39
564 Toby Williams Male M18-29 02:26:53 03:08:34 09:06:39
498 Charlie Stanley-Evans Male M40-49 02:41:12 03:09:37 09:06:55
437 Roger Pratt Male M40-49 Wimbledon Windmilers 02:27:37 03:23:34 09:07:38
335 Craig Martin Male M40-49 SKY Velo 02:32:12 03:14:21 09:08:34
49 Colin Bland Male M30-39 B2T 02:23:55 03:11:05 09:10:49
75 William Buchan Male M18-29 02:26:01 03:16:44 09:11:47